

My teaser trailer shot for Visual Validation. It was filmed in six different areas throughout a period of eight weeks. All video and audio was recorded on a Canon Rebel T1i, except for the background music that was taken from RoyaltyFreeMusic.Com.


Little Red Riding Hood

In class, we have a class called Visual Validation in which we're given the option to pick our own assignment and create whatever we want. I really wanted to do something with video, so I threw in a mixture of all my favorite things: video, wolves, fairy tales, blood, costuming, etc. My proposal was that I would create a teaser trailer film for Little Red Riding Hood. Little did I know that an actual film for the fairy tale was being released in 2011, but oh well.

One of my favorite scenes consisted of a bloody wolf, so I made some fake corn syrup blood to feed to my German Shepard/Husky mix. She loved the taste. I loved the shots. I managed to snap these after filming.


These were shot with the idea of creating a marionette image, something that turned out to be much more difficult than previously imagined. I hope to retry this someday when I know much more about photoshop.

Give Me Fever

These were shot a while ago for my first attempt at Pin-Up. I would of have them uploaded much earlier but I've been frantically working on a midterm project for school that it sort of slipped my mind.


Blinded By The Light

For my portrait class, we were given the task of shooting in a "Hollywood Glamor" style. I had the perfect model who has a classic face, so I just had to wait to tackle the weather elements before I would be able to get this assignment. I was super excited and wanted to try a natural lighting technique I had seen demonstrated with some window blinds, and she just happened to have a similar kind in her home!


A World of White

More pictures in the snow, this time of Amanda's fiancee Jay!

Gotta Catch 'em All

Amanda's fiancee was kind enough to play along with my requests of him bringing out his Team Rocket cosplay. It was pretty late in the day, so I wasn't able to go as extreme as what I wanted. So until next time, he'll be blasting off again.

It's Cold Outside

Another day of snow, another day of freedom, another day full of artwork just waiting to be made. It just happens that I'm stranded with a willing cosplayer who will tackle through the winter madness with me.


Snow Globe

Due to the snow taking over Oklahoma, I've been using the opportunity to get some stuff done... in between playing around. Amanda was kind enough to dress up in her Bleach uniform and venture into the chaos with me. It was a delightful 10 minutes!

Life in Living Color

This was made when playing in Photoshop CS5, tinkering with the idea of what I would look like with different colored hair. The original photo (me with blue hair) was shot by Jessica Cook.